What are Scope 3 Emissions?

Scope 3 emissions, often referred to indirect emissions, are a category of greenhouse gas emissions that originate from activities or sources outside of an organisation’s direct control but are associated with its operations. These emissions are a crucial consideration when assessing an entity’s overall carbon footprint because they usually represent a significant the most portion of a company’s total emissions and can have a substantial impact on climate change.

Scope 3 emissions are typically more challenging to measure, manage, and reduce compared to Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.

Scope 3 emissions can vary significantly between organizations, depending on their size, industry, and business activities. While these emissions are challenging to control directly, organizations can take steps to measure, manage, and reduce them.

Strategies to address Scope 3 emissions often involve supply chain optimization, product design improvements, encouraging sustainable customer behavior, and reducing the carbon footprint of business travel.

Many organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of addressing Scope 3 emissions as part of their sustainability and climate action efforts, given their significant contribution to the overall carbon footprint and their potential to drive meaningful emissions reductions throughout the value chains.