9 Best Carbon Credit Projects in Thailand

Check out the 9 best carbon offset projects in Thailand

Many developing countries around the world have dove into the carbon offset market, and Thailand joined the party in January of 2023 by announcing their own carbon credit exchange.

Given that developing countries are likely to be the hardest hit by climate change, it’s not surprising. Thailand was, in fact, an early pioneer of carbon offset projects, with the first projects starting up here in the early 2000s.

Since then, Thailand has embraced carbon offsets as an important part of its strategy to promote renewable energy and reduce national emissions.

There are now dozens of registered offset projects across the country in sectors like renewable energy, forestry, and waste management.

In this post, we’re going to highlight some of the top carbon credit projects in Thailand, the amount of credits generated by each project and the impact they’ve had – or planning to have.

By supporting carbon offset projects like these through the purchase of carbon credits, individuals and businesses can make a measurable contribution to tackling climate change. The projects summarized here are saving hundreds of thousands of tonnes of CO2 every year.

9. Tradewater International – Thailand 1.0

9 Best Carbon Credit Projects in Thailand

The Tradewater International project in Thailand involves the collection of R-12 refrigerant, an ozone depleting substance. The material is aggregated and delivered to a Montreal Protocol compliant facility for destruction. This prevents the release of R-12 into the atmosphere where it damages the ozone layer.

Thailand was an early supporter of the Montreal Protocol which phased out ozone depleting substances globally. The country has worked hard to reduce emissions of these harmful chemicals. This refrigerant collection project is another example of Thailand’s leadership on ozone recovery.

By destroying collected R-12, the project generates carbon offset credits. Tradewater International helps connect these credits to buyers who want to offset their emissions. This innovative model both eliminates a potent greenhouse gas and provides financing for continued collection efforts.

With Thailand’s growing economy and expanding building stock, properly disposing of legacy refrigerants will remain important. Projects like this ensure ozone-safe practices while benefiting the climate as well. They demonstrate how Thailand pairs environmental leadership with sustainable economic development.

8. SSE1 Solar PV 1 – 10 Power Plant Project

9 Best Carbon Credit Projects in Thailand

The SSE1 Solar PV 1 – 10 Power Plant Project involves the installation and operation of ten solar PV plants across central Thailand. Each of the PV plants generates electricity to feed into the national grid system under Thailand’s Very Small Power Producer scheme, with capacities of 8 MW or less per plant. As a relatively small-scale domestic energy efficiency project compared to utility-scale power plants, it qualifies for carbon offsets.

The ten solar plants provide renewable energy to displace grid electricity otherwise generated from fossil fuel sources, reducing carbon emissions. By harnessing Thailand’s abundant solar resource, the project demonstrates the viability of distributed solar PV to help meet the country’s clean energy goals. The project developer coordinated regulatory approvals, site selection, installation, and grid connections to successfully bring the ten solar plants online.

7. West Huaybong 2 wind farm project

9 Best Carbon Credit Projects in Thailand

Another small project, The activity involves installation of large scale commercial wind farm in Thailand to supply clean renewable electricity to the Thailand grid. The scenario existing prior to the start of the project, which is the same as the baseline scenario, is the supply of electricity from power plants connected to the grid. The project consists of 45 turbines with a capacity of 2.3 MW each, totaling an installed capacity of 103.5 MW. The project is developed by K.R. Two Company Limited.

The West Huaybong 2 wind farm features 45 wind turbines with a capacity of 2.3 MW each, for a total installed capacity of 103.5 MW. As a renewable energy project generating clean electricity, it offsets emissions from fossil fuel-based power plants connected to the Thailand grid. Though small in scale compared to some wind farms, the 45 turbines make this a sizable project capable of notably reducing greenhouse gas emissions through clean wind power. Overall, West Huaybong 2 demonstrates Thailand’s commitment to growing its renewable energy infrastructure.

6. Reduction of GHG emissions in Propylene Oxide production

9 Best Carbon Credit Projects in Thailand

This carbon credit project involves the installation of a greenfield plant to produce propylene oxide using an innovative Hydrogen Peroxide to Propylene Oxide (HPPO) technology. Compared to conventional processes based on chlorohydrin technology, the HPPO technology greatly reduces overall energy consumption during propylene oxide production, resulting in significant emission reductions.

The project is located in Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate, Rayong Province, Thailand. By utilizing the energy efficient HPPO process, the project is estimated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 239,356 tonnes CO2e per year. The technology marks a major advancement in propylene oxide production, moving away from outdated chlorohydrin processes dependent on chlorine chemistry.

The HPPO process requires 25-30% less energy input compared to conventional technologies. This equates to over 200,000 MWh per year of electricity savings. The project helps promote renewable hydrogen production as well, since the HPPO process consumes hydrogen generated from renewable sources.

Adoption of HPPO technology signals Thailand’s commitment to pursuing next-generation green chemistry solutions. MTP HPPO Manufacturing is leading the way in sustainable propylene oxide production. The project’s emission reductions will make a significant contribution to lowering the carbon footprint of Thailand’s manufacturing sector.


9 Best Carbon Credit Projects in Thailand

The project consists of 30 GE Wind Turbine Generators with a capacity of 3.0 MW each, for a total installed capacity of 90 MW. The turbines are located in the Krissana & Wangrongyai subdistrict of Si Khiu district and the Huaybong sub-district of Dankhunthod District in Nakhonratchasima Province. The electricity generated is exported to the national grid in Thailand. The project was commissioned at the end of 2018.

The Krissana Wind Power project utilizes clean wind energy to generate electricity, avoiding emissions from fossil fuel power plants. With 30 modern wind turbines, this large-scale project contributes significant renewable energy and emission reductions to help Thailand meet its sustainability goals.

4. Wastewater Treatment and Biogas Utilization Project

9 Best Carbon Credit Projects in Thailand

The CYY Global Plus Wastewater Treatment and Biogas Utilization Project is located in Thailand and focuses on wastewater treatment and biogas utilization. The project involves installing three covered lagoons at a greenfield site to treat wastewater from a starch factory. The covered lagoon system allows for the capture of biogas that is generated during the treatment process.

The captured biogas is then utilized in two ways. First, it partially replaces heavy fuel oil used in a thermal oil boiler. Second, the biogas is used as a fuel source for electricity generation via a gas engine. The electricity that is generated is then consumed internally at the starch factory.

By capturing and utilizing the biogas rather than allowing its release into the atmosphere, the project is estimated to reduce emissions by 124,097 tCO2e annually. The wastewater treatment and biogas capture system provides an innovative way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also generating renewable energy.

3. Siam Cement Biomass Project

9 Best Carbon Credit Projects in Thailand

The Siam Cement Biomass Project involves the partial replacement of fossil fuels with biomass and alternative fuels for cement production at five facilities across Thailand.

Biomass, such as rice husks and wood chips, emits less CO2 when burned compared to coal and other fossil fuels traditionally used in cement kilns. By substituting biomass for a portion of the fossil fuels, Siam Cement is able to reduce the overall carbon footprint of its cement manufacturing operations.

The project required the installation of specialized handling and feeding systems in order to utilize biomass and alternative fuels in the cement production process. This includes storage bunkers, conveyors, and dosing systems that allow the fuels to be mixed with coal before being fed into the kiln.

According to project estimates, using biomass and alternative fuels for 15-20% of the fuel needed for clinker production results in an annual emissions reduction of over 100,000 tonnes of CO2.

The Siam Cement Biomass Project demonstrates the viability of partially switching to renewable biomass resources as a cleaner fuel source for energy-intensive industrial processes like cement manufacturing. As one of the largest cement producers in Thailand, Siam Cement’s adoption of biomass co-firing sets an important example for the industry to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and their associated carbon emissions.

2. SD Biosupply Wastewater Treatment and Biogas Utilization Project

9 Best Carbon Credit Projects in Thailand

The SD Biosupply Wastewater Treatment and Biogas Utilization Project involves the installation of a wastewater treatment system at the SD Biosupply factory in Thailand. The wastewater generated from the starch production process at the factory contains high levels of organic matter. This project enables the treatment of the wastewater through a UASB (upflow anaerobic sludge blanket) system.

The UASB system allows the organic matter in the wastewater to be broken down by anaerobic bacteria. This process produces biogas as a byproduct, composed primarily of methane. The methane-rich biogas can then be captured and utilized as a renewable fuel source.

By installing the UASB wastewater treatment system, the project is able to serve two important purposes. Firstly, it treats the factory’s wastewater to prevent pollution. Secondly, it allows the methane contained in the wastewater to be productively used onsite as a clean fuel rather than being released into the atmosphere as a potent greenhouse gas.

The biogas captured from the wastewater treatment plant is used to replace some of the heavy fuel oil previously used in the factory’s thermal oil boiler. Furthermore, the biogas is also utilized as a fuel source in a gas engine installed onsite to generate electricity. The electricity produced is used internally by the factory.

By displacing the use of fossil fuels with renewable biogas generated from wastewater treatment, the project results in reduced greenhouse gas emissions. It provides an innovative solution for sustainable and energy efficient wastewater management in the manufacturing industry.

1. Chol Charoen Group Wastewater Treatment with Biogas System

9 Best Carbon Credit Projects in Thailand

The Chol Charoen Group Wastewater Treatment with Biogas System I project in Cholburi province involves biogas recovery and utilization from an existing open anaerobic effluent treatment system. The project was implemented at the Chol Chareon Co. Ltd tapioca starch factory and has been in operation since January 2006.

This wastewater treatment project with a biogas system helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions in two ways. First, capturing the biogas from the effluent treatment system prevents methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from being released into the atmosphere. Second, using the recovered biogas as an energy source reduces the need for fossil fuels like coal or natural gas.

The anaerobic digestion process breaks down organic matter in wastewater and produces biogas as a byproduct. This biogas is over 60% methane, which can be combusted to generate heat and electricity. At the Chol Chareon factory, the captured biogas from the treatment lagoons is likely used onsite in boilers or generators. Utilizing biogas in this way displaces fossil fuels, resulting in less carbon dioxide emissions overall.

Wastewater treatment with biogas recovery is an impactful carbon reduction strategy. The Chol Charoen Biogas System I project demonstrates Thailand’s commitment to green technology and reducing its carbon footprint. With estimated annual emission reductions of over 37,000 tonnes of CO2, this project mitigates greenhouse gas emissions while also managing wastewater sustainably.

Hopefully this gives you a good overview of the range and scope of carbon offset projects in Thailand. It’s a very promising carbon market with huge potential, and the quality of carbon credit projects is only growing in the country.

If you’d like to learn more about buying carbon credits in Thailand, get in touch with us today.